Saturday, July 13, 2013

Rough Times....

   Whew! Yesterday was pretty tough! I don't know if you all knew this, but almost three years ago my parents began a divorce, and it's been pretty rough these past few years dealing with it. Yesterday especially. I was out with my mom shopping, and I guess I said something about child support or money, and it upset her pretty badly. With the whole divorce money's been tight, but I never realized just how touchy the subject was until yesterday. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that my mom's overreacting or too sensitive, I'm just saying that she had a right to be upset, I just didn't know why it made her upset. But anyways, we were kind of mad at each other for the rest of the day and barely talked to each other. I was upset, but I wasn't so much mad about it as I was sorry that I had upset her. And I thought she wasn't going to talk to me or forgive me.
   After a few hours I went back to her room, and she was laying down on her bed crying. I don't know if you've ever had to experience this, but seeing your own mother cry, and possibly about something you did, is like somebody stabbing you in the heart. Literally. I felt awful. So I sat down by her and told her I was sorry (between sobs), and we worked it out. My aunt Patti came to talk to us too and helped us sort it all out. It's been stressful, but I'm just glad that I can work things out with my mom and not have to fight so much. I love her more than anything and want to make sure she always knows it.
   So that's how yesterday went! Hopefully I don't have too many repeats of that in the future.... One time was enough! But it did make me think about the Atonement, and the promise that was made. When Christ went through the atonement, he made a promise to us that if we are sorry for any sins we have committed and ask for his help, we can be forgiven as many times as we need and are willing to ask. I'm grateful that I have that promise in my life, andI'm thankful for my mom. She means so much to me, and I hate to fight with her or see her sad. I'm glad that we are able to forgive each other and that she is always there for me!

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