Inspiration from Others...

   I've had a lot of strong role models in my life that helped make me want to serve a mission. My mom has definitely been at the top. She's the one who's always been there when I'm feeling down, who made me go to church when I didn't want to (Which just happened to be the days when the speakers talked about faithful church attendance. Go figure...) and who made it a habit to constantly try our best to live the gospel.
   Along with her are all my Young Women's leaders over the years. Each one has a special place in my heart because of how much they've helped me and just how amazing they are overall. They always stop by when I miss church, or call if I miss mutual night, or just come over to visit for a little while. They have been so faithful in teaching me and my fellow young women the gospel and making a point to bear their testimony at every chance. That has been such a blessing to me, and I can never thank them enough for all they do, whether they know it or not.
  And of course, my friend and pseudo - big sister Christinah Cross. She lived in my ward since I was little before she moved out to Utah last year, and she was always like a sister to me. We played together, we sang together, we even visited each others houses for family home evening sometimes. Last year when she graduated from high school she moved out to Utah to go to BYU. Just a short time after President Monson made the announcement about the age change for missionaries. She put in her papers and got a call to the England, Manchester mission. When she told me I was so proud of her, and I really took some time to think about what that might mean for me. Should I be serving a mission when I turn 19? I made up my mind that for the next three years, I would prepare for a mission and pray to know if it was the right thing to do. I am currently still in those three years, and I plan to continue on with the commitment I made. Christinah has always been there for me, and I owe her so much for pushing me to be the best I can be.
   I owe everything to all of these amazing women. They're the ones who pushed me to make my own choices, to do what I know is right, and to be the best young woman I can be.

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