Thursday, July 11, 2013

First Feedback!

   I finally got some feedback about my blog! I had posted the link to my blog on Facebook, and just a few minute later four of my Young Women's leaders either liked it or commented it on. It's so uplifting to have such supportive leaders and friends! One of the comments said;"Can I tell you how much I LOVE this!!! You are such an amazing girl and I have been lucky to watch you grow from a girl to a beautiful young woman!! Your spirit shines so bright!!!" ~ Sis. Baumann
   I almost started crying when I read that. Sis. Baumann was my beehive leader for my second year as a beehive, and she's been in Young Women's with me up until now. She's always been so supportive of me and gently directed me towards finding the truth for myself instead of relying on the testimony of others. I'm so grateful for her, and all that she does to help me!
   Another post said this;
"Um, I think there needs to be a love button for this!" ~ Sis. Bigler
   Sis. Bigler is so amazing. She's crafty, fun, and always supportive of me and the other young women in everything we do. She started as a Young Women's leader when my sister was in Young Women's, and she's been so awesome ever since I started Young Women's. I'm so grateful for her and for all the support and help she's given me, and for all the loving guidance she's given me as a young woman!
   Two other leaders also liked the link. It's so great to have such amazing leaders that give the young women so much loving attention and support! Love you all!!!! 

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