Friday, September 13, 2013

New career idea....

    So today I was thinking about my career options after high school, since I have an entire year before I'm even old enough to go on a mission. I thought about how I have a lot of family in the military, and what kinds of people they were and are. My brothers, Michael and Stephan, are both currently in the United States Air Force, and both my grandfathers were previously in the military. I'm proud of all of them for what they've done and what they continue to do, and it occurred to me that I could follow the same path they chose.
    My high school has an Air Force JROTC division, and I'm seriously considering joining it for the last two years of high school. I'll have to work my way up to the level of physical training it requires, but it could be incredibly beneficial to me. From what I understand, JROTC will teach me self-discipline, respect, chain of command, physical fitness, and most of all respect and pride for our country. I want to do this for my brothers, but most of all I want to do it for me. I think this is one of the best ways I can use my time in high school, knowing that I only have two and a half years left.
    Well, those are my thoughts for the day. I'll try to keep up on the posts more frequently now!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Rough Times....

   Whew! Yesterday was pretty tough! I don't know if you all knew this, but almost three years ago my parents began a divorce, and it's been pretty rough these past few years dealing with it. Yesterday especially. I was out with my mom shopping, and I guess I said something about child support or money, and it upset her pretty badly. With the whole divorce money's been tight, but I never realized just how touchy the subject was until yesterday. And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that my mom's overreacting or too sensitive, I'm just saying that she had a right to be upset, I just didn't know why it made her upset. But anyways, we were kind of mad at each other for the rest of the day and barely talked to each other. I was upset, but I wasn't so much mad about it as I was sorry that I had upset her. And I thought she wasn't going to talk to me or forgive me.
   After a few hours I went back to her room, and she was laying down on her bed crying. I don't know if you've ever had to experience this, but seeing your own mother cry, and possibly about something you did, is like somebody stabbing you in the heart. Literally. I felt awful. So I sat down by her and told her I was sorry (between sobs), and we worked it out. My aunt Patti came to talk to us too and helped us sort it all out. It's been stressful, but I'm just glad that I can work things out with my mom and not have to fight so much. I love her more than anything and want to make sure she always knows it.
   So that's how yesterday went! Hopefully I don't have too many repeats of that in the future.... One time was enough! But it did make me think about the Atonement, and the promise that was made. When Christ went through the atonement, he made a promise to us that if we are sorry for any sins we have committed and ask for his help, we can be forgiven as many times as we need and are willing to ask. I'm grateful that I have that promise in my life, andI'm thankful for my mom. She means so much to me, and I hate to fight with her or see her sad. I'm glad that we are able to forgive each other and that she is always there for me!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

First Feedback!

   I finally got some feedback about my blog! I had posted the link to my blog on Facebook, and just a few minute later four of my Young Women's leaders either liked it or commented it on. It's so uplifting to have such supportive leaders and friends! One of the comments said;"Can I tell you how much I LOVE this!!! You are such an amazing girl and I have been lucky to watch you grow from a girl to a beautiful young woman!! Your spirit shines so bright!!!" ~ Sis. Baumann
   I almost started crying when I read that. Sis. Baumann was my beehive leader for my second year as a beehive, and she's been in Young Women's with me up until now. She's always been so supportive of me and gently directed me towards finding the truth for myself instead of relying on the testimony of others. I'm so grateful for her, and all that she does to help me!
   Another post said this;
"Um, I think there needs to be a love button for this!" ~ Sis. Bigler
   Sis. Bigler is so amazing. She's crafty, fun, and always supportive of me and the other young women in everything we do. She started as a Young Women's leader when my sister was in Young Women's, and she's been so awesome ever since I started Young Women's. I'm so grateful for her and for all the support and help she's given me, and for all the loving guidance she's given me as a young woman!
   Two other leaders also liked the link. It's so great to have such amazing leaders that give the young women so much loving attention and support! Love you all!!!! 

Morning Routine...

   So I got up this morning at 7am, which is early for me during the summer, and I thought to myself, "I've got extra time today, so I'll do some scripture study!" I was reading in Joseph Smith History, in the back of the Pearl of Great Price. In chapter one it talks about the First Vision, and as I was reading, I  was thinking about how Joseph went about inquiring of the Lord. He found a quiet, serene place where he could be alone to communicate with God, and he went with a humble heart and an open mind, with faith that he would receive an answer. And even when the adversary came upon him and tried to deter him, he had faith and called upon God to save him from the hold of the devil. I was thinking about that, and I realized that, again, it all goes back to faith. If Joseph hadn't had faith that he would receive an answer, he probably wouldn't have gotten one, and if he hadn't had faith that the Lord could save him from the adversary, he would have been in the devil's clutches. That really touched me. I want to develop such strong faith that I can do the same as Joseph did. I decided to make a deal with myself. I am going to study my scriptures for at least thirty minutes a day (not including seminary), and I am going to try to gain a full understanding of the one hundred scripture mastery scriptures as I memorize them. If I do that, then I will treat myself to ice cream at Jeremiah's. ;)
   I think that's a fair deal, right? I need to gain a better understanding of the scriptures, and a better understanding of how they apply to me. Joseph knew clearly that the advice given by James in the Bible is supposed to be directly applied to him and to everyone else in the world. The scriptures aren't just a story book. They're a guide to help us in our daily lives, and I'm grateful I have them in my life.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Christinah Is On Her Way!

   It's official now! Christinah just left on a plane to England this morning, and she promised she'll keep in touch with me. Having her go on a mission is such a blessing to me. Being such close friends, seeing her go out on the Lord's errand isn't sad as much as it is exciting. She's so sweet and loves the gospel with all her heart, and I'm looking to her as an example of strong faith and testimony. Last time I talked to her, she was bubbling over with excitement and learning about her mission and all that it entails. She was excited to learn all the culture and new terms to use in England (as well as what NOT to!). I want to share the enthusiasm that she has for the Lord's work, and to be as dedicated and faithful as she has become.
   Her brother Bryan leaves in September. He's kind of like a funny older brother to me. He's shy and quiet, but he's firm in his faith and strong in his testimony. I am striving daily to be like both of them, to be unwavering in my faith and testimony of the gospel and the Lord.
   I am working hard. I'm doing my best, and the rest I leave up to the Lord. I try as hard as I can, and I know that what I can't do alone I can do with the Lord's help.

Welcome to The Beginning!

   So this is where it begins. Just this past year President Thomas S. Monson announced that young women nineteen years of  age could serve a mission, two years ahead of what the age used to be! I am so excited about it, and I can't wait to really start my preparation!

   Today I was reading in the beginning of the Book of Mormon, in 1 Nephi chapter one. Verse twenty really stuck out to me as I was reading: "...the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance."
   That really hit home for me. As Nephi rightly pointed out, the blessings that the Lord gives us are dependent upon our faith in Him and in the gospel. When we have faith in him, we will be blessed because of it. I know this to be true, I see it every day in my life. In my ward at home, in Utah with family, in Texas near very few familiar faces. It's the same no matter who you are or where you go, it all depends on your faith and how you act on it.